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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back at last!!!

Well, that has to be one of the longest Christmas breaks in the short history of my little blog! Apologies to all for my absence and a BIG thank you to all the new followers who have signed up in that time!...family life and a long line of commissions have kept me spinning since November and, just when I thought I was catching up with things, our carnival season arrived.

Those of you who have followed my blog since last year will know that I ADORE the Carnival here in Lanzarote and, as always, every room in my house is taken over by costumes, make-up and (last year) a huge pink flamingo! We are tripping over giant pirate hats and fairy wings this year and somehow, in under 3 hours, managed to create a crocodile from a shopping trolley. After our little group´s success in carrying off the first prize for group costumes with our 'Alice in Wonderland' theme last year,  we were very excitedly planning 'Peter Pan' for this year. Well we didn't win this time but the kids had a great time and the crocodile seemed popular...we had to drag a toddler out from between it's jaws at one point!

All set now for the Grand Parade on Monday!!

I have added a couple of snaps taken last night but hope to get some proper photos taken next week at the Grand procession.


Anonymous said...

So ... What have you REALLY been doing?

Sounds like you enjoyed the costume making and revelry.

Good to see you.



Janine Crocker said...

Ha Mr S....you're a fine one to talk ;) Where have you been hiding out this winter???

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