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Friday, April 29, 2011

Bridal Special!!

Isn't it luvverly??!! Did you cry? Didn't everyone look stunning? I have been glued to the televesion all morning but just now when I have been about to update my website with the promised bridal millinery it seems that everyone else is on the web as well...and it's not working!

Below you will find the first few designs and I will keep trying throughout today to update my website.

Silk bridal cloche with delicate silk roses  65.00 USD

Ivory cloche with guipure lace overlaid and silk veil 56.00 USD

Buttercream silk hat with lace veil  58.00 USD

Tulle over ivory silk with silk leaves    58.00 USD

Softcrowned silk with tulle and pearls   58.00 USD
 ****All the prices above are subject to a 20% discount until midnight (BST) on Sunday 1st May****


Jean - miniartworks said...

Stunning hats Janine. The writing on the red is difficult to read, for me anyway :)

Janine Crocker said...

Thanks so much Jean - I'd missed that! You know what I'm like with the techie stuff :D

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Beautiful hats as always I shall add this link to my facebook :-)

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