About Me

Monday, September 13, 2010

End of the Summer and my very first post!

Well here it is...the end of a long, beautiful summer. It started to spit with rain today and the children are back at school so it's officially Autumn in my book and time to catch up with all sorts of things.

I've been meaning to start this blog for simply ages and have finally got round to it so I hope you'll bear with me while I sort out my widgets and gadets and watchamacallits.

Hopefully it will be a way to let everyone know what I am up to and get some feedback from you as to the sort of things that you would like to see me working on over the next few months.

For those of you who haven't come across my work before I hope that you will enjoy browsing through my website and for my many friends and customers worldwide I look forward to being able to keep in touch and let you know what I am working on.

Happy Autumn!



Unknown said...

Found you Janine, it looks lovely,

Mary x

Jean - miniartworks said...

Looks great Janine.

El caballero Metabólico said...

Que preciosidad de sombrero!! Es una maravilla!! Un saludo!!

Pan said...

Welcome to Blogland. Your blog looks good :-)

julie campbell said...

Hello Janine,what a beautiful hat !
Lovely to see you in blogland ,
julie xx

Robin said...

That's a great hat Janine! I'm a new blogger too - steep learning curve for me. Anyway I shall now click on Follow - and enjoy your future blogs.

Janine Crocker said...

Steep learning curve Robin?!...more like trying to scale the Empire State in slippers!!LOL

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